Published by:
FMO Flughafen Münster/Osnabrück GmbH
Postfach 13 64
48252 Greven
Telephone : +49 (0) 25 71 - 94-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 25 71 - 94-15 19
Company Head Office
Airportallee 1, 48268 Greven
Register of Companies: Amtsgericht (District Court) Steinfurt, HRB 1234
VAT identity number: DE 125 503 392
Managing Director: Prof. Dr. Rainer Schwarz
Chairman of the supervisory board Dr. Martin Sommer
Responsible concerning contents according to section 5 paragraph 3 MDStV (state treaty on media services)
Andrés Heinemann
Flughafenbenutzungsordnung (9,8 MB)
The legal disclaimer also applies with regard to the following social media profiles:
General information
Non-binding nature of information
FMO Flughafen Münster/Osnabrück GmbH has carefully researched and compiled the information and other content of its internet presence. Nevertheless it accepts no guarantee or liability for its correctness, completeness or up-to-date nature. This also applies with regard to information in the flight schedule.
Reservation of right of modification
All data are subject to change and non-binding. FMO Flughafen Münster/Osnabrück GmbH reserves the right to alter, to complement, to delete its internet presence or parts thereof without special notice, or to stop its publication temporarily or finally.
References (links) to other websites
There are indirect or direct links from the internet presence of FMO Flughafen Münster/Osnabrück GmbH to other websites. The influence and design of such is outside the control of FMO Flughafen Münster/Osnabrück GmbH. The latter is therefore not liable for these.
Trademarks protected by copyright and other property rights
© Copyright FMO Flughafen Münster/Osnabrück GmbH. All rights reserved. The content and its arrangement on the pages of this internet presence are subject to the protection of copyright law and other protection laws. It may only be used in its entirety or in extracts for personal and not for commercial purposes.
The press and public relations section is excluded from this. The text and pictorial material offered here is freely available within the scope of the statutory provisions. In the case of duplication of this content express reference must be made to the copyright and property rights of FMO Flughafen Münster/Osnabrück GmbH. The content must not be altered or used on other website pages without the written approval of FMO Flughafen Münster/Osnabrück GmbH. Content, such as images, reproduced in this internet presence may also be subject to the copyright of third parties. The logo and further company designations are registered trademarks of FMO Flughafen Münster/Osnabrück GmbH. The designations or logos of other companies which are represented in the internet presence of FMO Flughafen Münster/Osnabrück GmbH may also be protected by law.
The internet presence of FMO Flughafen Münster Osnabrück GmbH contains data, tools and other information provided by the following agencies:
Baxmann Kommunikation GmbH
Ballindamm 15, 20095 Hamburg
Digitale Offensive GmbH
Markgrafenstraße 3, 33602 Bielefeld
Logodesign, Brandingconcept:
Baxmann Kommunikation GmbH
The agencies' information, images and graphics are protected by copyright.